Educate your daughters: they’re the future of the nation

Importance of girl education in India is a debated matter. Maybe this is why some people fail to understand the importance of education in women’s life. Education is the essence of the life. In better words, it is the sun ray of life. Then, why should a girl be devoid of this ray. Writing an essay on girl education might not be a solution for this but it will certainly make the girls know their worth. We talk about ‘Woman Empowerment’ (Mahila Sashaktikaran) but when comes to real life, girl are still there where they were centuries ago.
Time has changed and people should change their mind too. Girls have been the pivot of a society and they will always remain. The purpose of education is not only to earn a living rather education makes a person intellectual in every aspect. Thus, an educated girl makes her family and society cultured in every possible way. Let’s discuss the importance of girl education in India.
Importance of girl education in India
You must have a saying ‘mother is the first teacher’. Well, this one saying is enough to understand the importance of girl’s education. If a girl is educated, she inculcates good habits and culture in her children and promotes the well-being of the entire nation.
You can’t deny the fact that education makes a person confident, knowledgeable, and responsible. An educated girl doesn’t girl need a man always beside her. She can manage everything on her own. She can make even the biggest decisions on her own and has the power to deal with the consequences too. From Indira Gandhi to Kalpana Chawla, you can see what a girl can do if she is educated. It’s only a girl who makes a house ‘a home’. A man should consider himself really lucky if he is blessed with an educated wife and mother.
The biggest importance of girl education is that it gives a girl a feel of self-esteem. An educated girl doesn’t feel herself inferior in the society. Whatever she does, she does with a manner, logic, and dignity. Education empowers a girl in every way.
Hindrances for girl’s education in India
We’re writing the essay on girl education in detail, so we can’t avoid talking about the reasons that hinder a girl’s education. First and foremost, comes the family issues. In our country, there are still some families where girls are bound to remain inside the four walls of the house. The men of those families misinterpret the meaning of dignity. They think that girls are the ‘Izzat’( dignity) of the family and they should remain behind the curtains only. This is the biggest hindrance for the girl’s education in our country. This scenario is at the peak especially in the rural areas. There, girls are still meant to take care of household work only. If the parents have no problem in educating their daughter, society comes into the play, sometimes. I can never understand why people are so much bothered about some else’s life. I myself have heard many people saying “it’s high time to get married. Why you’re studying. You’re supposed to take care of your husband and children”. Yes, this is the problem that doesn’t let some girls move forward. Society, please! An educated girl can take care of her family even better. You don’t need to tell her about that.
The next hindrance is money. Be it a boy or a girl, almost everybody goes through the financial crisis at some point in his/her life. But this is not a major issue. This can be easily managed. The government has given plethora of opportunities to take the loans.
Suggestions to improve the conditions of girl’s education in India
Dear men, it’s you people who have to come forward to fight with this problem. The girl’s education is not only necessary for the well-being of a family but also for the nation. As a father, brother, or a husband, every man should promote the girl’s education. Here, I have added some points that can help to improve the condition of girl’s education in our country.
- Girls, forget the household chores, marriage, or the family planning. First and foremost comes the education. Strive hard to gain it, no matter the world is against you. Be ready to fight. The other things can be done once you’re done with your education.
- Some girls want to gain education but they fail to do so just because of the financial problem. So, the government should implement some schemes that can help such girls to gain higher education.
- A teacher is a person who lays the foundation of education in a kid. So, the government should appoint only the eligible candidates as a teacher. I have seen the government teacher who doesn’t even know the basic general knowledge. What will they teach the students?
- A girl should be given the chance to choose her career and make her decisions on her own.
- Marriage and kids are not the ultimate purpose of a girl’s life. The money you’re going to spend in your daughter’s wedding, spend it in her education. This would be the most priceless gift you can give to your daughter.
Let’s finish the article here but the attempts for the girl education should be continued. In recent few years, the scenario has changed significantly. The government has taken some bold steps and they have become successful too. Maybe, people are understanding the importance of girl education in India. Today, woman’s literacy rate is 65.46% which is increased in recent years. Still, there is a long way to go.